Activated Bamboo Charcoal
Dec 26th 2019

Activated Bamboo Charcoal


Activated Bamboo Charcoal is the product of the pyrolysis processed of the Bamboo plant. 5 year old or older Bamboo plants are used in this process. Pyrolysis process superheats the Bamboo Plant, to produces fine, odorless, black Charcoal. Activated Bamboo Charcoal is a natural, sustainable that is chemical-free and thus non-toxic.

Activated Bamboo Charcoal structure is highly porous with a high surface area. One full teaspoon of Activated Bamboo Charcoal has more surface area than a football field. Thus increases its absorption capacity. This characteristic helps makes Activated Bamboo Charcoal act as a detox agent when combined in skin care products.

Activated Bamboo Charcoal can helps remove micro-impurities, such dirt, dust, oil, toxins, chemicals and bacteria that may develop on the skin’s surface.

Activated Bamboo Charcoal is a natural deep cleanser, gentle exfoliate to remove dead skin. It works well with oily, combination and blemish-prone skin types.

Activated Bamboo Charcoal reputed to be antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal making it a great choice to help control the development of acne.

Activated Bamboo Charcoal is one of the best ingredient used to create our NuVGN Changa Soap Bar!

Dec 26th 2019

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